Living Well Without Salt

Monday, June 7, 2010

Cutting Salt Out Works

Good Morning,

Most of you are aware that when the media reports about salt, they generally mean sodium. It’s the sodium that we are concerned about. Salt just has a lot of sodium in it.

That said, we must also remain alert to the lobbying efforts of the American Salt Institute (ASI), an organization of salt manufacturers that fights off all scientific research that proves that too much sodium (salt) is harmful to our health.

At Megaheart we have pretty much established through the past thirteen years that the added salt to processed foods is probably our biggest culprit. Salt manufacturers sell tons and tons of salt to food processors. Therefore, the news that some government bodies are about to “ban” salt, or demand less salt be used in processed foods and in restaurants, pretty much has the ASI up in arms with their own “reports.” I find most of these fascinating. I am not a “professional” researcher, but I am intelligent enough to have researched this subject extensively.

Salt harms humans and animals. Salt damages us. It does so caustically and with its sodium. It doesn’t matter if its table salt, sea salt, or Kosher salt or any of the newer artisanal salts.

For years now Meniere’s patients have verified that cutting salt out has stopped their dizziness. Congestive heart patients have reversed their disease and many have returned to full health, an unheard of “procedure” before we adopted our no-salt lifestyle. Others have actually been able to get themselves removed from the heart transplant list or at least avoid the list.

Many articles of late address this entire subject as pertaining only to “heart attacks,” which is generally a cardiovascular challenge, often exacerbated by high saturated fat diets, smoking and a lack of exercise.

Cutting salt out reduces body fluid retention. High levels of body fluid cause edema, pressure on our blood vessels, which causes high blood pressure, which is related to forcing the heart to work harder, which in turn often develops into dilated cardiomyopathy or CHF, congestive heart failure.

It’s is of course, more intricate than my description above, yet no media article is going to go into the physiological depth of exactly what happens.

Hypertension is therefore, a huge problem in the U.S. and in most countries of the world. The common thread is always salt.

Meniere’s Syndrome is not caused by high levels of sodium from salt, but its debilitating nature is sure reduced when cutting salt out.

Kidney patients also benefit when cutting salt out of their life.

And children and athletes and outdoor workers do not need salt and this has been proved by the United States Navy, although accidentally when they discovered that salt pills made their sailors ill instead of healthier. And it’s been proved unequivocally in Australia by Dr. Trevor Beard who, for more than forty years now, has spent full time researching salt and its affects on the human body. He has proved that athletes do not need such products as “energy” drinks while competing, that in fact their endurance rises when they drink just water, while it declines when consuming “salted” fluids.

The bottom line here is, caveat emptor when reading media reports from alleged experts that salt is not harmful. You will see these reports on the rise since salt has become the news of the day.

As how much sodium our body needs, the answer has been scribed by researchers for years. Just 8 to 10 mmoL. That’s about 144 to 180 mg a day.

However, we have learned that 500 mg a day is an excellent and doable target and that indeed, it reverses many chronic ailments. Another reason is that if we eat a balanced diet as suggested in the “food pyramid,” and if all those foods are natural or unsalted, we will pretty much hit the 500 mg a day, every day. We will also find that we meet all daily requirements for important nutrients, and we’ll meet weight standards that are just as important in protecting our health as is cutting salt out.

Keep up the good life if you’ve adopted a much lower salt regimen. It works, it’s worth it.

Donald Gazzaniga

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